Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Rotary Projects Abroad part 1

We have been able to see some magnificent things in Korea, and in Geoje we had the opportunity to see two projects supported by local Rotarians that illustrate the ideal of Service Above Self. Here are pictures of the first.

Here we are with two of the Geoje clubs at Kojedo Aikwangwon or the Garden of Love and Light. This place supports a community of mentally challenged individuals by providing education and vocational training as well as various therapies. It is a large place with well over 100 residents.

Above a woman works on a loom. Aikwangwon, has many different programs from weaving and woodcrafts to gardening and cooking.

I can see why people prefer the term "differently abled" because why they certainly have different challenges than most people, they also have many things like determination, focus, and love that anyone can have if they desire it. I gained some perspective in my life thinking about what kinds of challenges I face and asking myself do I handle those challenges with the grace that these people do?

This lovely woman has been a resident for three years at Aikwangwon. She was able to knit her bedspread and a rug for her room thanks to Aikwangwon.

Here are some residents that are sewing. Many of the crafts that are made by the residents are sold to bring money to the foundation. Despite support by the Korean government, Aikwangwon has to make up a shortfall in funding through donations. The gift shop has many handcrafted items that are really impressive.

Kelly was taken by surprise when she greeting this girl with a hello only to have her respond in English. She was able to say many things and she even took Kelly's photograph.

Here Anne makes friends with a blind woman who kept saying, "I am beautiful." You could feel the compassion and love that the staff and the Rotarians provide the residents.

Aikwangwon was only the first facility we saw that week. The next post provides a visit to another facility in Geoje ran by Buddhist Monks.

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