Saturday, February 20, 2010

If only we could all look 18!

We are on day 3 in South Korea. Last night we enjoyed a meal with the South Korean GSE Team that will be coming to Indianapolis in April. There are 3 women and 2 men. All of us immediately thought the women were so young and barely 20 years old - both from the pictures we saw and upon meeting them in person. After dinner, we had time to talk and get to know each other and we quickly found out that they are 37, 38, and 39! They honestly look at least 10 years younger - not fair!
I am excited for them to come to Indianapolis and experience the United States. We will welcome them to The Village Experience store and hopefully join in on some meals and activities while they are in town. They are anxious, excited, nervous, and curious to experience our culture just as we are to experience theirs. Because of the vast differences in the way we eat, we have already begun asking them their preferences and what they enjoy to eat. Hopefully we can expose them to some new things, but also be mindful of how good it feels to taste home once you've been away for awhile. No one knows that better than me - what I wouldn't do for a slice pizza right now. After that octupus dish above, I get scared that everything I eat is about to start moving as I pick it up to eat it. And the hot dogs with mouths are haunting my dreams...
We are off with the GSE Team to explore a different part of South Korea today - looking forward to the journey!

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